Cool Stuff Gold Plate Your iPhone 4 | Customisation | DAY4 No doubt you have seen all the photos in the press recently, of Victoria Beckham and her Goldgenie gold iPhone! You may have ... By GoldgenieFebruary 17, 20110
Cool Stuff Gold Plating Your iPad | Customisation | DAY 2 Day 2 of our guide to our customisation service and whereas yesterday we told you all about how to get your iPad gold ... By GoldgenieFebruary 15, 20110
Cool Stuff Customise Your iPhone & Feel Like A Millionaire There are various services available at Goldgenie to customise your iPhone, iPad, iPod or just about any other product you want to add ... By GoldgenieFebruary 4, 20110
Bespoke Game of Luxury Gold Plated Game Consoles by Goldgenie This is when the game becomes the game of luxury. Your game console can not only reflect ... By GoldgenieJanuary 7, 20110
Collaborations The Goldgenie X-Factor iPod Goldgenie are official sponsors of “The X Factor Gold iPod” and are working on a Limited Edition X Factor Gold iPod for the ... By GoldgenieDecember 13, 20090
Products & Services James Caan "how to beat the recession" Goldgenie take on “Net working business Zsar” Goldgenie have taken on James Winsoar a top network marketing specialist to distribute and train all ... By GoldgenieJuly 20, 20090
Press Kate Moss and Victoria Beckham buy Gold plated iPods! Kate Moss, Amy wine house and Victoria Beckham buy Bizarre gold plated Apple iPods by Goldgenie, the limited edition of ipods 1-500 were ... By GoldgenieJuly 12, 20090